Punching tool
EQ185 Torsion Punch Tool
design specifications tool diameter 185mm Upper connection buckle type NC50 Box Drill bit connection buckle type 4-1/2". REG Box Applicable borehole size 7-13/32"~9-3/8"(188.12~238.125mm) Salvage neck size Diameter: 166mm Length: 195mm job parameters Displacement 26~32LPS pressure drop 1.0~2.0 MPa Maximum operating temperature 200℃ Maximum WOB 8-14 tons Make-up torque (NC50) 5.5MPa Makeup Torque (4 1/2 REG) 4.5~5MPa Tool Features ■ Pure mechanical structure, no electronic components, no rubber parts in moving parts, safe and reliable tools ■ Provide additional composite impact energy for the drill bit, enhance the rock-breaking efficiency of the drill bit, and increase the ROP ■ Effectively protect the drill bit, prolong the service life of the drill bit, and increase the footage of a single drill bit ■ Reduce drill string holding and jumping phenomenon, thereby reducing fatigue damage of drill string ■ Eliminate the stick-slip (stick-slip) phenomenon during the drilling process of the drill bit, which is conducive to the uniform cutting of the drill bit ■ Reduce the number of trips, shorten the drilling cycle, and save drilling costs ■ The pulse generated by the tool does not affect the normal work of other mud logging and drilling tools other instructions ■ Qucker® compound impactor can be used with screw ■ For directional well applications, it is recommended to install a near-bit stabilizer between the drill bit and the tool, which can effectively reduce the left drifting trend and ensure accurate trajectory control ■ The recommended service life of the tool is 150 hours. When the pressure drop of the standpipe increases by 2Mpa and remains unchanged, and the torque of the drill bit fluctuates greatly, it can be judged that the tool has failed. After the tool fails, it is equivalent to a short circuit, but it does not affect the continued operation ■ The wellhead must be equipped with a mud filter to control the size of mud particles
EQ245 Torque Punch Tool
■ The recommended service life of the tool is 150 hours. When the pressure drop of the standpipe increases by 2Mpa and remains unchanged, and the torque of the drill bit fluctuates greatly, it can be judged that the tool has failed. After the tool fails, it is equivalent to a short circuit, but it does not affect the continued operation design specifications tool diameter 245mm Upper connection buckle type 6-5/8"REG Drill bit connection buckle type 6-5/8"REG Applicable borehole size 238.91~368.3mm Salvage neck size Φ216mm×210mm Dimensions Φ245mm×830mm job parameters Displacement 25~60 L/s (396.8-952 GPM) pressure drop 1.8~2.5 Mpa (260-363 Psi) Shock frequency 10-17Hz (600-1020 times/min) Maximum WOB 160KN (35.9 Klbs) Maximum operating temperature 200℃ Makeup Torque (4 1/2 REG) 49-51 KN.m (9.56MPa) 作业参数 排量 25~60 L/s (396.8-952 GPM) 压降 1.8~2.5 Mpa (260-363 Psi) 冲击频率 10-17Hz (600-1020次/分) 最大钻压 160KN (35.9 Klbs) 最高作业温度 200℃ 上扣扭矩(4 1/2 REG) 49-51 KN.m (9.56MPa ) Tool Features ■ Pure mechanical structure, no electronic components, no rubber parts in moving parts, safe and reliable tools ■ Provide additional composite impact energy for the drill bit, enhance the rock-breaking efficiency of the drill bit, and increase the ROP ■ Effectively protect the drill bit, prolong the service life of the drill bit, and increase the footage of a single drill bit ■ Reduce drill string holding and jumping phenomenon, thereby reducing fatigue damage of drill string ■ Eliminate the stick-slip (stick-slip) phenomenon during the drilling process of the drill bit, which is conducive to the uniform cutting of the drill bit ■ Reduce the number of trips, shorten the drilling cycle, and save drilling costs ■ The pulse generated by the tool does not affect the normal work of other mud logging and drilling tools other instructions ■ Qucker® compound impactor can be used with screw ■ For directional well applications, it is recommended to install a near-bit stabilizer between the drill bit and the tool, which can effectively reduce the left drifting trend and ensure accurate trajectory control ■ The recommended service life of the tool is 150 hours. When the pressure drop of the standpipe increases by 2Mpa and remains unchanged, and the torque of the drill bit fluctuates greatly, it can be judged that the tool has failed. After the tool fails, it is equivalent to a short circuit, but it does not affect the continued operation ■ The wellhead must be equipped with a mud filter to control the size of mud particles

(86-27)59415879 / FAX(86-27)59415882

No. 3, Huanglong East Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China

info@wheastar.com / 430205(Postal code)
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